Air Conditioning is Health Insurance.
Air conditioning could be the saviour you need this season. Here’s why air conditioners are important and the pitfalls to look out for…

Why Air Conditioners are Important
Air conditioning hasn’t had the best reputation lately. Many people blame their air conditioner for allergy attacks or illness and if the unit isn’t properly maintained they could be right.
Having said that, here are some positives for you in relation to the humble and hard working air conditioner.
Air conditioners aid people with respiratory conditions
People who suffer from asthma and similar respiratory conditions can find their symptoms relieved by a well-maintained air conditioning system, which regularly filters contaminants and pollutants from the air that aggravate the condition, from pollen to mould spores and dust mites.
A consistent temperature is healthy
Many people underestimate the detrimental effect on your health caused by frequently fluctuating temperatures. Being too hot or cold can quickly use up your energy reserves. This can leave you feeling, chronically fatigued and reduce your immune system. An efficient air conditioning system maintains a constant room temperature which has you better equipped to fight off infection.
Removes fumes and odours
Stale air, fumes from cleaning products and appliances, can be detrimental to your health. A well maintained air conditioning system will filter the air and remove fumes and odours in your home or workplace.
Humidity levels affects health
An environment with overly high humidity becomes a breeding ground for mould, bacteria and other dangerous micro-organisms, while very low humidity creates dry air which can exasperate dry skin conditions and have a drying effect on sinuses. Your air conditioner maintains humidity levels.
Efficiency of human beings increases
Research has found that the working capacity of humans increase, if the room temperature is kept at a constant comfortable temperature. This helps to increase concentration and productivity. People tend to get tired faster in hot environments.
Every time you turn your air conditioner on, the air will be filled with whatever is sitting on your coils, filters and internal casing. Airborne particles can not only land on all the surfaces of your home, you will also be breathing them in. A well maintained air conditioner will be your saviour.
Best air con cleaning practices
Here at Mission Control Disinfectants we recommend to have your unit professionally cleaned every 6 months, to remove mould, pollen, pet dander, bacteria and other contaminants that can adversely affect your health. This is best done by a professional air conditioner cleaning technician, but make sure they are using a non-hazardous, eco-friendly cleaning solution, like our Air Conditioner Cleaner & Sanitiser for HVAC product.
Once the unit has been properly cleaned, ensure they then respray or fog the internals with some more HVAC Clean and Sanitise.
It is also recommended for fogging into ducting and onto all hard surfaces, as it kills germs for 30 days and may help protect for up to 90 days.
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The Mission Control™ Difference
Mission Control™ are Australian owned and made. We provide natural disinfectants and fogging products made right here, in Queensland.
We manufacture Hydrogen Peroxide products as well as our exclusive long lasting range of Mission Control™ disinfectants. Go here to buy Australian Made Hydrogen Peroxide or visit our shop to see our long lasting range of Mission Control products as well.
All of our products are non-hazardous and Australian made.