How to protect against Superbugs.

Superbug mutations are becoming more common and in some cases reaching epidemic proportions. Here’s how you can protect yourself and others.

Why are Superbugs a Concern?

​Millions of people are falling victim to illness & disease as ‘Superbugs’ become resistant to antibiotics, disinfectants and other toxic chemical based cleaning products.

80% of infections are spread by human physical contact or touch points. Touch points are surfaces touched by many people every day; some examples are:

  • Door handles
  • Public toilets door push plates
  • Shared keyboards
  • Fast food touch screen order kiosks
  • Shopping centre information touch screens
  • Escalator handrails
  • Steering wheels
  • Telephones
  • Elevator / Lift controls
  • Pedestrian push buttons

…and many more.

How Mission Control Germ Barrier Works Process

How to combat Superbugs

Under normal circumstances, if an infected person touches a surface, the next person to touch it is very likely to catch the same bug. Most antibacterial products kill germs on contact but then quickly dissipate, leaving the surface unprotected again.

Mission Control™ products utilise a natural formula that bonds to the surface and continues to kill fresh deposits of germs and bacteria for months afterwards.

They use a physical action to destroy bacteria, not a chemical reaction, which makes it impossible for the bacteria to build immunity against it and develop into Superbugs.

How do Mission Control products protect against Superbugs?

Mission Control™ products are simply sprayed onto the surface, wiped clean and allowed to dry. Entire rooms and larger areas, such as cruise ships, childcare centres, public restrooms and medical centres, (just to name a few,) can be treated in just a few minutes by fogging them instead.

Once dry, the unique formulation becomes an invisible but durable antimicrobial film that bonds to the syrface and will not transfer to other surfaces or leach into water or solvents. It’s also odourless, colourless and produces no chemical fumes.

When bacteria land on a treated surface the antimicrobial film acts like an array of spears that rupture the cell membrane and physically destroy the DNA structure of the cell. The antimicrobial film is then ready to do the same thing many times over.

Through extensive testing, this barrier technology is found to be safe and effective against 99.9% of Germs and Bacteria.

Visit “How do Mission Control Disinfectants work” to learn more about how the germ barrier works.

Where Can I Buy 30 Day Surface Protection?

Mission Control Disinfectants are Australian Made manufacturers of the Mission Control 30 Day fogging product, 24 hour disinfectant germ barrier and 30 day HVAC Clean & Sanitise.

Visit our shop to buy these and more.

To learn more about Mission Control Disinfectants and our natural, Australian Made products, visit

About Mission Control
The Mission Control™ Difference

Mission Control™ are Australian owned and made. We provide natural disinfectants and fogging products made right here, in Queensland.

We manufacture Hydrogen Peroxide products as well as our exclusive long lasting range of Mission Control™ disinfectants. Go here to buy Australian Made Hydrogen Peroxide or visit our shop to see our long lasting range of Mission Control products as well.

All of our products are non-hazardous and Australian made.


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