Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide vs Regular, Pharmaceutical and other Grades.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide vs Regular, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Industrial or Commercial Grade, what is the difference?

Here is a guide to help clarify differences between food grade hydrogen peroxide and other grades.

  • What is Commercial or Industrial Grade Hydrogen Peroxide?

    Industrial or Commercial Grade refers to very high concentrations of between 30 to 98%. Because such strong concentrations can degrade quickly, most of these contain chelates (also known as sequestrants) which minimize decomposition under normal storage and handling conditions.

    Reagent (usually 30% and used for scientific tests), or Electronic Grade (usually 30 – 35% and used to clean electronic equipment), both contain stabilizers. Technical Grade (usually 35%), often contains a small amount of phosphorus to neutralize any chlorine in the water it is combined with.

    Concentrations above 70% are used in industry for bleaching paper and fabrics but also in mining. 90% Hydrogen Peroxide is used by the military as a source of oxygen and NASA even used it as rocket fuel for a while (source, before switching to Hydrogen Gas.


  • What is Beautician, Pharmaceutical or Regular Household Grade Hydrogen Peroxide?

    Regular Household Grade is the same as Pharmaceutical Grade and typically refers to Hydrogen Peroxide at a concentration of 3%, which is readily available at Pharmacies and is often used for wound treatment or as a general household surface disinfectant. Most of these will include stabilizers, as product longevity and storage without leakage are important to merchants.

    Beautician Grade is basically the same as Regular Grade, although it can also be sourced in other concentrations of between 3 and 12%. It is used for hair bleach and usually contains stabilizers, for the same reasons as regular grade.

  • What does Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide mean?

    Food Grade refers to Hydrogen Peroxide 35% with no additives or stabilizers. This is the purest of all grades and is only called “Food Grade” to clarify that it is suitable for treating products that may be consumed, such as meat, vegetables and drinking water. For example, it can be used in aseptic packaging or to bleach some processed foods.

    The term "Food Grade" can still be used for concentrations of less than 35% but only if dilution occurs with purified water (tap water is therefore not suitable). With that in mind, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can actually be used for any application that doesn't require a concentration greater than 35 percent.

  • What is Dental or Medical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide?

    Medical and Dental Grade refer to various dilutions of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, meaning they do not contain stabilizers. This is because such additives are avoided in case they cause adverse reactions when treating patients or specialised equipment. Concentrations generally vary from 1 to 35% but can go as low as 0.3%. For example, Dentists use various concentrations for such things as teeth whitening, mouth wash, surface disinfectant, wound antiseptic and water system decontamination.


  • Can Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide be used for everything?

    Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can be used for anything that requires a concentration of up to 35 percent of Hydrogen Peroxide. This includes Regular Household Grade, Beautician, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Medical and any Commercial Grades at or below 35%.

    However, many manufacturers use stabilizers to aid containment and slow the breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide and once you add anything other than pure water to Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide it is no longer classified as Food Grade, as it is no longer pure enough.
    Go here to learn more about what stabilisers are used and why.


  • Where can I buy Australian Made Hydrogen Peroxide?

    You can buy Australian Made Hydrogen Peroxide from Mission Control Disinfectants at

    Mission Control Disinfectants produce any dilution of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide you may require but only to a maximum strength of 12%. Only purified water is used in the dilution process, in order to avoid contamination from impurities often found in regular water.

    Mission Control Disinfectants are the only manufacturers of Australian Made Hydrogen Peroxide to have been verified as such and thus bear the genuine Australia Made logo.

    Any suppliers that claim to be selling Australian Made Hydrogen Peroxide are most likely buying from Mission Control Disinfectants and rebottling it, so as to resell with their own label. This is why they don’t have the Australian Made logo on their own product.

Mission Control Hydrogen Peroxide Pharmaceutical Grade

To learn more about Mission Control Disinfectants and our natural, Australian Made products, visit

About Mission Control
The Mission Control™ Difference

Mission Control™ are Australian owned and made. We provide natural disinfectants and fogging products made right here, in Queensland.

We manufacture Hydrogen Peroxide products as well as our exclusive long lasting range of Mission Control™ disinfectants. Go here to buy Australian Made Hydrogen Peroxide or visit our shop to see our long lasting range of Mission Control products as well.

All of our products are non-hazardous and Australian made.


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